Our Valuations Services

  • Buy/Sell Agreements
  • Divorce
  • Estate & Gift
  • Expert Witness Testimony
  • Litigation Support
  • Purchase or Sale of a Business

What is my business worth?  What is the value of my estate?  These are common question many business owners and taxpayers are faced with as life events such as death, divorce, and retirement occur.  Our firm offers a wide-variety of valuation services to answer these questions and advise you through such life events.

We have credentialed Certified Valuation Analysts (CVA) on staff that are uniquely equipped to place a realistic monetary value on your most valuable assets.  We tailor each valuation engagement to the attributes of the particular business interest or asset we value while factoring all internal and external factors.  Our experienced staff and commitment to quality will produce valuation reports that are impartial and reliable.

We also are available to provide expert witness testimony and consulting services for your valuation litigation needs.  We adhere to the professional standards of the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts (NACVA) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Please follow the following links to learn more about our valuation team:

What services do you offer?
Why do I need a CPA?
How much do your services cost?
Do you offer a free consultation?
How do I get started?
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